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Battle of Allen as a Window on Early Christian Ireland
An Gorta Mor - The Great Hunger - Genocide On A Long Fuse
Ancestor Gods of the Irish
Edward Nugent and the Lost Colony of Roanoke
Did Martha Washington Have Irish-American Slaves
Féinius Farsaidh - Ancestor of the Irish
In Memory of Ken Nilsen
Men of Sceinne – A Forgotten Tribe of Ireland
Respect for Enemies and the Celtic Cult of the Severed Head
Prophets and Prophecies in Medieval Irish Annals – Part One
Prophets and Prophecies in the Medieval Irish Annals – Part Two
Celtic Saints and Celtic Christianity
Celtic Scholars Talk about Ancient Irish Kinships
Celts Germans and Jews at Roanoke
Descendants of the Celtic Tribes of Ireland
Destruction of Native Gaelic Education System
Election of Irish Kings and Leaders
Gaelic Lordship vs. Feudal Lordship
Gaelic World and Rise of the Dialects
How Far Back Do Irish Genealogies Go
How the Irish and Scots Dressed in the 16th Century
Importance of Genealogy in Gaelic Society
Importance of the Irish Language in Genealogical Research
Irish and Religion in Colonial New York
Irish Seanchas - Much More Than A Genealogy
Keening and Other Old Irish Musics
Lost Celtic Creation Myth
Meaning of Fir Bolg
Non-Parental Events in Irish and Scottish DNA
Role of Mothers in Ancient Gaelic Society - the Story of Áine
Role of Mothers in Ancient Gaelic Society - the Story of Mongfind
Sex and Marriage in Gaelic Ireland
Supernatural Ancestors of the Irish
Understanding the Irish Language Revival
Unique Nature of Gaelic Culture
What Early Irish Genealogical Research Requires
Who are the Celts
Who are the Fir Bolg - Gods Demons or Men
Who Are the Gaeil
Who Were the Ancient Druids
Why the Irish Language Declined
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Baile / Home
Ailt / Articles
Leabhair / Books
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Baile / Home
Ailt / Articles
Ancient Druidry
Irish Prophet-Poetry
Irish Praise-Poetry and Satire
Brehon Law
Irish History
Ancient Irish Genealogy
Ancient Irish Tales
Fenian Tales and Lays
Irish Folklore
Medieval Irish Medicine
Irish Ecclesiastical Learning
Irish Language (Gaelic)
Battle of Allen as a Window on Early Christian Ireland
An Gorta Mor - The Great Hunger - Genocide On A Long Fuse
Ancestor Gods of the Irish
Edward Nugent and the Lost Colony of Roanoke
Did Martha Washington Have Irish-American Slaves
Féinius Farsaidh - Ancestor of the Irish
In Memory of Ken Nilsen
Men of Sceinne – A Forgotten Tribe of Ireland
Respect for Enemies and the Celtic Cult of the Severed Head
Prophets and Prophecies in Medieval Irish Annals – Part One
Prophets and Prophecies in the Medieval Irish Annals – Part Two
Celtic Saints and Celtic Christianity
Celtic Scholars Talk about Ancient Irish Kinships
Celts Germans and Jews at Roanoke
Descendants of the Celtic Tribes of Ireland
Destruction of Native Gaelic Education System
Election of Irish Kings and Leaders
Gaelic Lordship vs. Feudal Lordship
Gaelic World and Rise of the Dialects
How Far Back Do Irish Genealogies Go
How the Irish and Scots Dressed in the 16th Century
Importance of Genealogy in Gaelic Society
Importance of the Irish Language in Genealogical Research
Irish and Religion in Colonial New York
Irish Seanchas - Much More Than A Genealogy
Keening and Other Old Irish Musics
Lost Celtic Creation Myth
Meaning of Fir Bolg
Non-Parental Events in Irish and Scottish DNA
Role of Mothers in Ancient Gaelic Society - the Story of Áine
Role of Mothers in Ancient Gaelic Society - the Story of Mongfind
Sex and Marriage in Gaelic Ireland
Supernatural Ancestors of the Irish
Understanding the Irish Language Revival
Unique Nature of Gaelic Culture
What Early Irish Genealogical Research Requires
Who are the Celts
Who are the Fir Bolg - Gods Demons or Men
Who Are the Gaeil
Who Were the Ancient Druids
Why the Irish Language Declined
Leabhair / Books
Taighde / Research
Nascanna / Links
Fúinne / About Us
Teagmháil / Contact Us